Specialization in Criminal Law and Labor Law, Mr. Habib Dastgerzada is a legal consultant at Tolo Legal Services, he studied Law and Political Sciences at the Kabul University and holds a master degree in Criminal Law from Kabul University.
Mr. Dastgerzada has served more than 37 years in various departments of the Attorney General’s Office and he is one of the intelligent and famous prosecutors of the country.
He started his career in 1977 working as adjutant of Chardehi District Prosecution department, he then served as a prosecutor at the Kabul Prosecution Crimes Investigation Department, prosecutor at Mir Bacha Koot District, prosecutor at 4th District of Kabul, professional member of Crimes Investigation Department, head of the Kabul Prosecution Crimes Investigation Department, Deputy director at Anti-corruption Prosecution Department, Director of Jawzjan Province Prosecution Department, Director of Farah Province Prosecution Department and Prosecutor of the Supreme Court General Crimes Department. Mr. Dastgerzada is specialized in handling and investigation General Crimes, Crimes against Security and Corruption cases. He has handled a wide range of famous and important cases during his career at Attorney General’s Office and he has obtained professional experience in prosecution and criminal law.
Habib Dastgerzada